
Use this option to print one or more client statements. Statements are sent to clients at the end of the month to notify them of outstanding amounts due.

Enquiries \


The General Tab :


Select the Month in which the report is compiled.


Select which ledger to access. E.g. Debtors/Creditors

Sub Ledger

(If applicable) – Leisures / Debtors

Display Order

This option only applies if you are viewing more than one account, and allows you to list the accounts in a specific order. Enter <A> for account code order, <N> for account name order, <C> for consultant order. If you are only viewing one account, enter <A>.

From Account

Enter the client account code of the first account you wish to view. Enter a blank code or part of the client name to <Search> for the required account.

To Account

Enter the client account code of the last account you wish to view. If you wish to view only one account, enter the same code as <From code>.


Select the template to be used for printing.


Include accounts flagged as excluded from Print runs?

The Overrides Tab :

Override Branch and client statement settings

Ignores predefined settings in the Invoicing Branch and Individual Client settings.

Show Brought Forward Breakdown?

Gives a detailed breakdown of all items making up brought forward balance.

Show Line item breakdown?

Gives a detailed breakdown of all line items per invoices, as opposed to a one line summary.

Suppress nil (Cr Card) entries?

Do not print invoices with a Zero outstanding balance. (i.e Paid by Credit Card).

Hide Closed (paid) items?

Do no print fully allocated items.

Use Debit and Credit columns?

Use separate debit and credit columns.

Show ‘Total Charge’ column?

Display column with ‘Total Charge’

Show ‘Credit Card’ Column?

Display column with ‘Credit Card’ Details

Sort entries by reference?

Sort transactions by sequential reference.

Printing options of the Ledger :

Send to

Select which printer to print the Ledger on.

Paper Orientation

Select the paper orientation : Portrait or Landscape

Preview ?

If this check box is ticked, the system will first display the Ledger on screen, before printing.

View %

Select size / zoom percentages to display on screen.

Number of Copies

Select number of copies to be printed.

Print Progress

Indicates printing progress.

Select printing to a printer.

Email Ledger to an Email recipient

Send Ledger to QPI or PDF document.

Cancel printing of Ledger.

Example of a statement :