QuickTrav Core Modules

QuickTrav’s great modular design allows you the flexibility of using the applications individually or all together as a complete front, mid and back office solution.

QuickTrav Invoicing

The new Windows Based Invoicing module, provides a powerful new tool to the travel agency with many new and enhanced features, which provides the agency with a proper database record of these activities, which management can use to monitor consultant and client activity / performance

QuickTrav Main

WinMain comprises of Client Accounts (Debtors & Leisures cash sales), BSP & Creditors, and Management Information.

It also provides the Agency with a proper database record of these activities, which Management can use to monitor Client and Creditor activity / performance.

QuickTrav General ledger

WinGl is an easy to use multi company general ledger and cashbook program which allows you to accurately capture and record all the activities of your business, and produce monthly and annual financial statements with maximum efficiency and minimum effort.


QuickTrav Invoicing

This is the first of the three modules that make up the QuickTrav Core accounting system.

  • Produce professional Invoices bearing your Company logo with optional IATA, and ASATA logos
  • Multi-branch functionality.
  • E-mail invoices in a secure PDF format
  • Setup "force order number", cost-centres / additional ref's, benchmark fares and automatic emailing of invoices per client
  • Comprehensive Carbon Emission (CO² ) Reporting solution
  • Electronic storage and automatic e-mailing of scanned supplier documents and client orders with invoice
  • Create pro-forma invoices and save them in a comprehensive register
  • Retrieve both service and car-hire vouchers into a new invoice, reducing data capture time
  • Advanced rules-based automatic service fee manager automatically adds fees to invoices
  • A powerful database query manager can extract any required data, providing a vast array or reports for both client and agency
  • Easy export to Microsoft Office Excel or OpenOffice.org Calc, produces ready-to-send reports, i.e. no further formatting is required
  • Save reports and retrieve whenever it's required, very handy for weekly or monthly reports, such as clients savings or agency turnover analysis
  • Create custom export files for third-party systems such as SAP and Oracle
  • Easy navigation and search facility in all registers

QuickTrav Main Module

QuickTrav Winmain is the second of the three modules that make up the QuickTrav Core accounting system

  • Live updating from the Invoice module
  • Invoices and Credit notes are automatically matched
  • E-mail statements with option automatic e-mailing per client
  • Comprehensive monthly client statements include all credit card charges and details thereof
  • Track outstanding cash sales for each consultant on a client-by-client basis
  • Client journals have enhanced narration fields with private notes in a numbered register
  • Comprehensive Debtors, Creditors and Referral Debtors age analysis
  • Creation of payments to Creditors with allocation functionality eliminates Contra functionality in Gl.
  • Creation of payments for Debtors with allocation functionality eliminates the payments clearing account by allocating directly from Client to Bank.
  • Payments may be deferred for Future Payment.
  • Print monthly remittance advices for Creditors/Principals that are paid on a monthly basis.
  • Each remittance advice is also a tax invoice to the creditor for commission due, eliminating the need for separate tax invoices to creditors.
  • Payments and Deposits automatically appear in Cashbook, when captured via the Receipts and Payments functionality.
  • Standing batches can now be created within the Cashbook. E.g. all debit orders can be captured and imported on a monthly basis.
  • Cashbook, reconciliation and printing are all processed in the same screen.
  • Save and Restore functionality allows you to restore the cashbook to a previously saved recon
  • Vat Report
  • Powerful search facility in all registers
  • Full reporting functionality - User Defined with option to Export to Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice.org Calc
  • Duty Manager allows proper segregation of duties

QuickTrav General Ledger

The new Windows General Ledger module, is the third of the three QuickTrav Core accounting modules.

  • In-line batch capture
  • Copy and paste between batches
  • Drag & move records
  • Import from Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
  • Multi-select actions everywhere
  • Users can lock records in batches to prevent editing
  • Batch manager allows summary view as well as bulk auto-balance, post, checking
  • Cashbook register / bank recon register
  • Optional WinMain style dashboard (cashbook and recon/ bank statement running balances)
  • Multi-select flagging allows multiple records recon/un-recon
  • Cash books list transaction in full date order (dos= un-posted/posted separated)
  • Cashbooks can be grouped by transaction type or all transactions can be listed in date order as a traditional cashbook from a bank account perspective instead of an allocation perspective
  • Transactions listed inclusive of/combined with a vat line
  • Search multiple years
  • Query is a new search option that lets you do advanced searches that are not possible in the normal search option
  • Reports to preview or browse/register with right click extra functionality
  • Export all reports to Microsoft Office Excel or OpenOffice.org Calc
  • Search transactions with optional include prior years in search
  • Query transactions for advanced search operations with optional include prior years options