It is important to capture the consultant code when invoicing so that the commission earned by each consultant can be properly recorded and allocated.

To load/change a consultant :

New consultants can be created from the Main Menu, Setup, Consultants, Internal Consultant :

The Following buttons will allow the user to select a function.

 Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-new-icon Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-new-button  Create a new consultant
Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-open-icon Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-open-button Open an existing consultant, and change the consultant’s details
 Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-delete-icon  Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-delete-button Delete an existing consultant
Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-search-button Search for a specific consultant.
 Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-close-icon Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-close-button   Close the current screen.

To create a new consultant select the Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-new-icon   / Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-new-button  .

Key Enter a unique reference (Key), normally using the Consultant’s initials.
Deactivate Ensure that the tick is removed if the consultant’s status is active.
Name Enter the consultant’s name.
Group [Optional] Enter the consultants’ Group
Email [Optional] Enter the consultants’ email address
Tel [Optional] Enter the consultants’ telephone number
Fax [Optional] Enter the consultants’ fax number
Client Type Select the Consultants client type which he/she will deal with primarily. Our drop-down list will allow the consultant to choose between Leisures/Debtors clients.
Save Click on Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-Save-buttononce all the consultant’s information is added.
Cancel At any time may the user abort the current action by clicking on the Quick-software-manual-invoicing-consultant-cancel-buttonbutton.