Published Fare Difference Reasons
By now many of you are providing your clients with detailed monthly savings reports. You can take this a step further by specifying reasons as to just how you did or did not save the client money, for example ‘5-day advance purchase’ or ‘last minute booking’ respectively. To turn this feature on, proceed as follows:
To activate this feature in the Invoicing module, click on, Setup, Company Tables, ,
Go the Fares (Published and Benchmark) and ensure “Capture Published Fares?” is ticked as well as “Capture Published Fare Difference Reasons”, save your settings.
Select, Setup, Company Tables,
Click on to create a new Published Fare Difference Reason
Click on to open and existing Published Fare Difference Reason
Click on to delete an existing Published Fare Difference Reason
Click on to search through the existing list of Published Fare Difference Reasons
Click on to close the Published Fare Difference Reason screen
When selecting “New” or “Open”, the following screen will appear to edit/change/complete:
Key | Enter a unique Key for the Published Fare Difference Reason (May be alphanumeric) |
Description | Enter a short description of the Published Fare Difference Reason e.g. |
Automatic invoicing entry:
The automatic invoicing entry will have to be modified to allow for the ‘reason code’. Consultants must now add the reason code as follows: F*5000/xxx – ‘5000’ being the fare and ‘xxx’ being the reason code.