ADM No |
Enter the ADM 10 digit number, excluding the airline code and check digit as per the BSP billing. |
Ticket No |
Enter the 10 digit ticket number, excluding the airline code and the check digit. You may type in the full number, or use the short cut method, as follows. Enter a blank ticket number to pop up a list of the ticket series currently in use, press [Enter] on the required series, and change the last three digits of the ticket number to get the required number |
Supplier |
Enter the airline code (Eg. 083 – South African Airways). This can be looked up by entering a blank code or part of the airline name (Eg. “Sou” for South African Airways). Select the required airline and press [Enter] |
Type |
Select the Commission type e.g Domestic/International/Cancelled Tickets etc. |
Pax Name |
Enter the passenger name from the ticket (Surname first, as per the ticket) |
Exclusive Fare |
Enter the fare exclusive of vat. This can be determ ined from the BSP Billing |
Fare Vat |
Enter the vat on the fare. This will normally already be calculated for you. Confirm this amount by referring to the “ZV” vat code and amount in the various tax boxes of the ticket |
Commission |
Enter the commission, exclusive of vat, earned by the travel agent on this air ticket. This will automatically show based on the Commission% and Fare that was entered previously. This can be changed if incorrect |
Departure Taxes |
Enter the total of all airport taxes here. The total of all taxes, including vat, is reflected at the bottom right of the ticket. |
Vat |
This will automatically show the Vat amount payable on the Commission amount, provided that the commission is Vatable. |
Client Total |
This column now displays the total of the ticket. This is the invoice total. Check that this agrees to the total on the ticket. This column is simply a total and cannot be changed. |
This column now displays the amount payable to BSP. This equals the amount charged to the client less your com mission and vat on commission. Make 100% certain that this amount is correct before proceeding. |