Global Masterfiles

Credit Cards

Credit card types are automatically setup at installation, and provides the user with a handy feature (if activated) to do specialized reporting by Credit Card type.

To Add/Edit/Change the Credit Card Type, Click on Setup – Global Tables – Credit Cards

The following screen will appear:

Click on to create a new credit card type.

Click on to open an existing credit card type.

Click on to delete an existing credit card type.

Click on to search through the existing list of credit card types.

Click on to close the credit card types screen.

When selecting “New” or “Open” the following screen will appear to edit/change:

Key Enter the unique reference for the credit card type (May be alphanumeric)
Description Enter a short description of the credit card type
Number Prefix Enter the first numbers as they appear on a credit card.

Note: Every credit card type has a different prefix but, a card belonging to a specific type always has the same prefix.