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In edit forms, optional data capture blocks have a white background while non optional blocks have a light blue background

You can log in as a different user simply by clicking the user icon at the bottom right hand corner of the application window or via menu File\Login as a different user.
System errors can be automatically emailed to the programming team at Quick Software by activating this option under the “?” tab in the system application setup. Anyone can email suggestions or bugs or questions directly to the programming team at Quick Software simply by clicking on the “Email Quick Software” button at the end of the main window button bar (the program version, user number, etc is automatically inserted).

A backup is automatically kept at the end of each m onth in the application folder (named wsvdb.m99 where 99 represents the month) and will remain there until the same month next year. Any backups can be emailed directly from the backup process simply by clicking the “Email” button after the zip file has been prepared.

You can display the application memory usage and run time in the application title bar by double clicking anywhere on the message bar at the bottom of the application window (double click again to remove).

Although Masterfile entries cannot be deleted once they have been used in the transaction registers or other Masterfile’s, they can be deactivated so that they do not appear in the relevant drop down selection lists