Automatic Invoicing

Introduction to Automatic Invoicing

QuickTrav connects directly to you ticket printer to allow automated tickets to be invoiced totally automatically, resulting in substantial time savings and increased accuracy.

In order for an automated ticket to be invoiced automatically, the consultant must enter certain accounting information/instructions onto the ticket before the ticket is printed.

This information is entered into an appropriate accounting field as described below.

The accounting information/Automatic invoicing instructions that may be entered onto the ticket include the following :

Compulsory accounting information:

Optional accounting information :

Optional other instructions :

Entering the accounting information

Compulsory Entries

Account number (A*) and Consultant(C*) are compulsory accounting information codes, and must be added before an invoice can be generated by the QuickTrav™ system.

A* Account number Cost Centres / Additional Refs A*D111 / (2 nd Ref) / (3 rd Ref) / (4 thRef) / (5thRef) ‘D111 ’ being the account number
C* Consultant Code Outside Consultant C*Tm ‘Tm’ being the consultant
C*Tm \ Aa ‘Aa’ being the outside consultant
Additional Non-compulsory entries

The following accounting information codes are not compulsory, however if certain switches within the QuickTrav™ module have been switched on, the invoice will not be generated without the relevant entry,

e.g. order number, supplier reason codes or published fare etc.

O* Order number O*11115 ‘11115 ’ being the order number
P* No of tickets in Pnr P*2 Denotes 2 tickets are contained in pnr
M* Message M*Have a nice trip Add a message to the invoice
S* Service Fee S*20 Adds R20 service fee + Vat to the invoice
S*20EA Adds R20 service fee + Vat to each ticket
S*20EA / Se2 Adds R20 service fee +Vat to each ticket & allocates service fee to a different comm.. Type, in this instance – Se2
S*200in / Adm /// 9001234567 Add R200 service fee to the invoice using ‘Adm’ service fee code referenced as ” 900123456 ” which could also acts as the Ticket number on TASF entries.
S=100ea // Y Add R100 service fee per ticket to the invoice using default service fee code and merging each fee into the cost of the ticket
S*20#NOAUTO #NOAUTO – add at th end of the service fee accounting info entry to disable auto fees, e.g. s*20eaNOAUTO
G* Group tickets on separate pnrs G*(1sr tickets pnr) In the first ticket use P* & state how many tickets. In the tickets that follow, type in G*(1 st tickets pnr no.)
L* Land Arrangements L* Principal / Totalcharge / Comm / Ref / TravelDate / Byticket( Y / N) L*Abc / 1000 / 100 / _ / _ N will add one land arrangement (not per tkt) N.b. travel date format
L*Abc /1000/100 will add a land charge to invoice, principal being ‘Abc’, total charge R1000 & commission of R100
D* Document Type D*C Will consolidate document, which will hide Service fees or land arrangements
D*N Will suppress printing of invoice
F* Published Fare F*1000 Where the published fare excl. of Vat = R1000
F*1000,xxx ‘xxx ’ being the reason code, as per table setup
F*D,xxx ‘D’ being the default table for domestic fares, ‘xxx ’ the reason code
R* Reroute printer R*A Send the invoice to a different printer, in this Example to printer A
T* Override Comm type T*Air Overwrite commission type, in this instance to ‘Air’
I* Invoice manually I* M Add this entry to instruct QuickTrav not to automatically invoice the ticket (M – Manual)
K* Booking/Source/Dest. K*bookingNo / Source / Destination Use an underscore when not a mandatory field, e.g. K*_ / _ / Sa (As per table setup)
W* Supplier reason codes W* Ps “ Ps” being the supplier reason code. This will be applied to all line items on the invoice
W*,L.yyy ‘xxx ’ being the air reason code ‘yyy ’ being the land reason code Reason codes as per table setup
X* Force 1 invoice per ticket X*1 or Xxx*1 Force one invoice per ticket
V* Division code V*xxx ‘xxx ’ being the division code

  • Start the accounting info line with DI.FT- e.g. DI.FT-a*d1 c*tm
  • Can use either an * or = when inserting the accounting codes
  • To change your “ DI.FT-“ entry, if incorrect in Galileo, use DI.@
  • To issue ticket and generate the invoice, insert TKPDTDAD
  • To automate an MPD add the auto invoicing codes as per table and then the entry TKTNO:TicketNumber, e.g. TKTNO:1234567890. TKPDAD to generate an invoice

  • Start the accounting info line with RM * e.g. RM*a*d1 c*tm
  • Amadeus uses only * for accounting information
  • Amadeus automatically generates an AIR file (which QuickTrav uses to produce an invoice) once you have ended a booking
  • Amadeus will usually be setup to automatically prompt you for some or all of the above information.
  • Pressing ‘Ctrl’ and ‘A’ will prompt you for the abovementioned accounting information

  • Start the accounting info line with 5-ca, e.g. 5-caa=d1 c=tm
  • Worldspan uses only = for accounting information