Adding Lines to the Rule Set

Add the individual rules lines to the rule set.

The above table is very important and must be set up correctly

Capture each column of the rule as follows: Remember each rule will be compared to each line on the invoice and if the rule’s conditions are applicable service fees will be added to the invoice.

Click on add a new Line to the Rule set :

Conditions :

Key Enter a short key for the Line to be added to the Rule set.
Description Enter a Description relevant to the rule you are creating.
Source Enter the transaction source (1 = air ticket, 2 = land arrangement, 4 = Adm, 8 = General Charge) that this rule must apply to.
Principal Enter a specific principal code to apply only to that principal or leave this blank so that the rule applies to any principal. To search for a specific principal type any alphabetical letter and [Enter] to show a lookup table of
options applicable.
Principal Group (If applicable) Enter the principal group name, applicable to the specific rule
Exclude #1 Enter the name of the 1st Principal you wish to exclude from the service fees. These principals will be ignored and excluded from charging service fees.
Exclude #2 Enter the name of the 2nd Principal you wish to exclude from the service fees. These principals will be ignored and excluded from charging service fees.
Exclude #3 Enter the name of the 3rd Principal you wish to exclude from the service fees. These principals will be ignored and excluded from charging service fees.
Exclude #4 Enter the name of the 4th Principal you wish to exclude from the service fees. These principals will be ignored and excluded from charging service fees.
Exclude #5 Enter the name of the 5th Principal you wish to exclude from the service fees. These principals will be ignored and excluded from charging service fees.
Service Type Enter a specific product type to apply only to that product type or leave this blank so that the rule applies to any product. To search for a specific product type, type any alphabetical letter and [Enter] to show a lookup table of options applicable.
Other Conditions Enter extra conditions specific to that transaction source or leave this blank so that no extra conditions apply. Currently this column only applies to air tickets (source 1) and allows you to specify that the rule must only apply to a predefined list. To search for a specific ticket condition type any alphabetical letter and [Enter] to show a lookup table of options applicable.

Service Fee :

Service Type Select the relevant service fee code to use for this rule.
Apply to
  • The Apply per line item on invoice option will check the rule against every line item on the invoice and apply it if it matches.
  • The Apply once per invoice document option will check the rule against every line item on the invoice but will apply it only to the first line that matches.
  • The Apply per passenger per line item on invoice option will check the rule against every line item on the invoice and apply it once per passenger per line item. So eg if there are two passengers on the line item, the rule amount when applied will be doubled or multiplied accordingly. If you use this option, you must specify the number of passengers if there is more than one passenger. You do so by specifying #2 at the end of the passenger name(s), where 2 is the no of passengers.
  • The Apply once per passenger on invoice option will apply the fee once for each passenger on the invoice. This is useful for charges

per booking which might result in more than one ticket per passenger.

Fee Basis
  • The Minimum commission amount allows you to specify that a service fee must be applied equal to the difference between the specified fee amount less any commission earned on that invoice line item i.e. the commission amount is supplemented by the service fee to equal the specified fee. Using this method you can ensure a fixed profit/commission amount per transaction.
  • The Minimum commission percentage allows you to specify that a service fee must be applied equal to the difference between the specified percentage of the amount less any commission earned on that invoice line item i.e. the commission amount is supplemented by the service fee to equal the specified percentage fee. Using this method you can ensure a fixed percentage profit/commission per transaction.
  • The Fee per flight/sector/segment allows you to specify a service fee per flight sector per passenger on the invoice.
  • The Fixed percentage of published fare saving allows you to specify what percentage of the fare saving should be charged as a service fee. (Note only applicable if Published Fare Saving is turned on in General Setup)
  • The Fixed percentage of benchmark fare saving allows you to specify what percentage of the fare saving should be charged as a service fee. (Note only applicable if Benchmark Fare Saving is turned on in General Setup
  • The Per value range table added to specify that the fee must be

determined from the value range table

Fixed Fee The Fixed fee option applies a fixed amount service fee e.g. R30.00
Fixed Percentage The Fixed percentage of the charge option will apply the specified % of the amount as a service fee e.g. 2% of the fare amount.
Value Range
  • Specify “R” in the fee rule column to tell the system to look up the fee from the value range table:

  • Specify the value table range no to use (1 to 999). This must correspond to the value ranges table :

NB the system will display the no in this column with decimal places

(eg 1.00 instead of 1), but will ignore the .00 decimals when reading the value range no to apply any relevant fee rules.

Min/Max Fee
  • This allows you to specify a minimum fee and / or a maximum fee for the rule.
  • The minimum and maximum limits are ignored if blank or 0.00.
  • The minimum and maximum limits are only applicable to fee types
that are “variable” in nature (e.g. fixed % of fare) and are not applicable to the following fixed fee types where, the exact fee is specified / implied in the rule:

  • F – Fixed fee
  • M – Minimum commission amount (only the minimum limit is

applicable as the rand amount specified in the rule is by its nature a minimum amount)

Settle Via Select the Settle method if payment is done with credit card. (Only applicable if merging is activated, and payment methods match.) e.g TravelBuy or TASF
Merging This allows the automatic service fee, (when applicabe) to be merged with the source line entry, and appear on the printed invoice as one entry.

Once all the rules conditions have been entered the Line must be saved. Click on to add the Line to the rule set.

You may add as many rules as required to each rule set. Each rule will be checked against each line item on the invoice to see if a service fee must be added. It is possible that one invoice line may satisfy more that one rule resulting in multiple service fees being charged.

We recommend you keep the rule sets simple