Stage 3 : Re-open for rejection process / Authority Codes / Reconciliation


In Stage 1 all the preparation for the creation of the credit card batch was done, certain items were deleted for inclusion into the current batch, others were flagged as incorrect credit card numbers, contra items etc.

In Stage 2 the batch will be closed and uploaded to the credit card company to be electronically processed.

In Stage 3 the user will re-open the credit card batch for reconciliation, where differences, and rejected cards must be processed.

In order to do so :

Steps in re-opening the Credit card batch for rejection process / reconciliation to be followed :

  1. Access the Credit Card Batch Register & Open the existing Credit Card Batch
  2. Flagging the unwanted or contra items
  3. Adding Authority Numbers to the credit card transactions
  4. Confirming Batch totals
  5. Change the status & Check batch totals

Accessing the Credit Card Batch Register & opening the Credit Card Batch to be reconciled:


: (alternatively click on

in the Main Menu Icon Bar)

Highlight the batch with batch status : “3 – Re-opened for rejection processing/reconciliation” and click on or button to open the existing Credit Card batch :

Flagging / Releasing & reconciling the rejected items :

Once the batch register is re-opened with all the transactions originally uploaded, the user now has the task of scanning/comparing the list to the actual iVeri transactions.

This is the most crucial part of the entire process. Extreme care must be taken to ensure that the Credit Card Batch is now 100% accurate to the iVeri report !

The column headings can be used to sort by any column, and may be dragged and dropped into the order you wish.

In order to sort by card number simply “double click” with your mouse on the heading :

Note how the system sorted by credit card number. You may now scan thru the transactions and search for any visible invalid card numbers.

Any unwanted items may be excluded. In order to do so, simply highlight the “unwanted” item and click on the button :

A reason for flagging must be entered, select the to find a list of predefined reasons :

Click on to flag the item.

Once all the items are flagged the “Flag” column in the register will show the reason codes :

Note : Once an item have been flagged in the register, it will NEVER become available in any other batches again. Extreme caution should be taken.

Certain items within this batch, maybe released, and will be excluded from this Export batch only. The next export batch will retrieve include the previously released items.

In order to remove an item from this Export batch only, highlight the selected item and click on .

A warning will appear prompting the user for c onfirmation :

Adding Authority Numbers to the credit card


Once the uploading of the iVeri batch was completed, authority codes must be entered into the Batch.This section will handle the manual adding of authority numbers to the selected credit cards :

In order to add the Authority Numbers manually, highlight the selected credit card simply

click on the


Click on the to apply the Authority code to all the transactions, without authority codes.

Simply enter the authority code and click on the button.

Confirming batch information :

The final step in re-opening / reconciling the export batch, is to the check the actual batch totals to the iVeri report :

The system will display a short summary of the number of transactions, and total amount to be posted

Changing the status & Checking totals of the batch :

Once the reconciliation is completed (Flagging and deletion of unprocessed transactions) click on the button in the Credit Card Batch header :

The following screen will appear :

Ensure that the is ticked and click on

A warning message will appear where the user are prompted to ensure that the report in WTMain and iVeri corresponds 100 % :

Ensure that the is ticked and click on