Is your Agency considering improved workflows, accuracy, automation and less data capturing? Booking info validation is your answer!

This functionality was developed to help you validate the info before issuing takes place and minimize the amount of time it takes to fix errors or trying to remember those additional references activated against a client.

The Booking info allows the user to select the applicable debtor, apply the additional references if activated, add service fees, and, publish and benchmark fares (if activated) to name a few. When all the required fields are captured, the user simply copies the info by selecting the “copy” button and pasting the information into your GDS.

When issuing the ticket in your GDS, the ticket will be fully validated containing all the necessary accounting info to generate an invoice.

We also mentioned less data capturing and automation? Experience this when issuing your Service or Car Hire vouchers. The PNR reference stored can be captured and it will automatically populate the info stored in the booking info. No repetition, only automation at its best!

For more info or if you would like to experience WebApp in action, contact our sales department and they will assist with more info.

The QuickTrav Sales Team

**Subject to QuickTrav Web Front-end Public/External Access – Requirements being met.