Benchmark Fares

QuickTrav Invoicing module – Benchmark fares



General setup


Tick on the to activate. 

Editing existing accounts :

Note – the capture benchmark information for debtor accounts that have this option turned off (and leisure accounts) is optional.

Table of default benchmark fares (per client)

Code Use a unique 3 chr code for each item, generally the use of 001 to 999 is advisable
Airline Enter the airline numeric code
Routing Enter the routing city pair. Note ‘Jnb/Dur’ is the same as ‘Dur/Jnb’ so you do not have to enter both. QuickTrav will reverse the routing cities to find a
  match if necessary.
Class Enter the applicable class or classes (multiple classes are allowed)
Fare Enter the benchmark fare for the airline / routing / class combination
Deactivate ? Switch to activate or deactivate the particular benchmark fare.

Once all information is completed click on the to save the added benchmark fare.

Table of benchmark fare difference reason codes (per client)

Code Use a unique 3 chr code for each item, generally the use of 001 to 999 is advisable
Description Enter a meaningfull description for each “difference” reason applicable to the client.

Once all information is completed click on the to save the added benchmark fare.

Manual invoicing