Benchmark Fares
QuickTrav Invoicing module – Benchmark fares
- A benchmark fare option has been added to QuickTrav Invoicing, which works on similar principles to the published fare option.
- For each ticket / refund notice issued, you can specify a com parative benchmark fare and a difference reason code. This can be made compulsory on specified debtor accounts.
- Then you can generate reports for your clients showing the fare vs. the benchmark fare grouped by the difference reason code.
- Client debtor accounts can be flagged to force the capture of benchmark fares. Otherwise the capture of benchmark fares is optional.
- Tables of default benchmark fares can be set up for any client account. These tables let you specify a benchmark fare per ‘airline / routing / class’ combination as agreed with the client. These facilitate easy and accurate data capture.
- Tables of benchmark fare difference reason codes must be set up for all clients for which you capture benchmark fare information.
- When invoicing, each ticket and refund notice captured will be prompt for 1) a benchmark fare and 2) a difference reason code. The benchmark fare (1) will default per the client’s lookup table (if it can be found in the lookup table).
- The benchmark fare information is saved with the invoice and printed in the invoice message.
- The client travel analysis / quick reporter can be used to generate benchmark fare savings reports (this reporting is very similar to the published fare saving reporting).
General setup
- Go to menu option Menu , Setup, Company, , open the selected branches, and select the “Fares” Tab.
- Go to option Use client benchmark fares / savings:
Tick on the to activate.
- Tick the if you want capture the reason for the differences
- Tick the to print on the invoice document along with the benchmark saving information.
Editing existing accounts :
- For each debtor that you wish to force capturing of benchmark fares, open the Edit Debtors screen ( , Setup, Clients, ) and select the “Benchmark Fares” Tab to activate the option:
Note – the capture benchmark information for debtor accounts that have this option turned off (and leisure accounts) is optional.
Table of default benchmark fares (per client)
- Lookup tables of default benchmark fares can be set up for any debtor or leisure client. They should generally be set up for all debtor accounts flagged with the ‘force capture of benchmark fares’ option.
- The fares captured should match those agreed with the client.
- These lookup tables make the invoicing process much easier as the default benchmark fare can be inserted in the invoice automatically.
- The lookup tables can be created under “Client Benchmark Fares” , select and the following table opens:
Code | Use a unique 3 chr code for each item, generally the use of 001 to 999 is advisable |
Airline | Enter the airline numeric code |
Routing | Enter the routing city pair. Note ‘Jnb/Dur’ is the same as ‘Dur/Jnb’ so you do not have to enter both. QuickTrav will reverse the routing cities to find a |
match if necessary. | |
Class | Enter the applicable class or classes (multiple classes are allowed) |
Fare | Enter the benchmark fare for the airline / routing / class combination |
Deactivate ? | Switch to activate or deactivate the particular benchmark fare. |
- Enter all combinations of airlines / routings /classes per your agreement with your client
- For tickets with multiple flights eg Jnb/Dur/Cpt/Jnb QuickTrav will add up the individual fares for the individual flights (Jnb/Dur, Dur/Cpt, Cpt/Jnb) and will insert the total as the default benchmark fare.
- Note these tables are setup per client.
Once all information is completed click on the to save the added benchmark fare.
Table of benchmark fare difference reason codes (per client)
- If you specify a benchmark fare, you must always specify a difference reason code to explain the difference.
- Lookup tables of benchmark fare difference reason codes must be set up for any debtor or leisure client for which you wish to capture benchmark fares.
- The lookup tables can be created under “Benchmark fare difference reason codes”, select and the following table opens:
Code | Use a unique 3 chr code for each item, generally the use of 001 to 999 is advisable |
Description | Enter a meaningfull description for each “difference” reason applicable to the client. |
- Note these tables are setup per client.
Once all information is completed click on the to save the added benchmark fare.
Manual invoicing
- When capturing a ticket (or refund notice), you will be prompted to enter the benchmark fare along with a difference reason code.
- The benchmark fare and difference reason code must be entered if the client account in the invoice header is flagged as ‘force capture of benchmark fares’. Otherwise the entering of this information is optional. If you enter a benchmark fare, then you have to enter a reason code for the difference, which must exist in the client’s lookup table.
- Before you reach the benchmark fare column, QuickTrav will lookup the ‘airline / routing / class’ combination(s) in the default benchmark fare table for the client specified in the invoice header.
- If found QuickTrav will automatically insert the calculated benchmark fare, making data capture easier and more accurate.
- If not found, if the account is flagged as ‘force capture of benchmark fares’, a warning message will displayed, but you are allowed to continue capturing.
- When the invoice is saved the benchmark information is rechecked and if any problem is encountered, the saving of the invoice is aborted until the problem is corrected.