
Setup\Contacts\Debtors\ Leisures

Each branch maintains its own register of client debtors and leisures and the register shown is that of the currently logged branch.

Code and Name
Code A unique code for the Debtor/Leisure.

The code format is defined under the system setup – suppliers. Codes imported from DOS vouchers can be changed and / or merged by the supervisor using the button and unused codes can be automatically removed using the button in the Debtor/Leisure register browse button bar

Name Debtor/Leisure Name
Active Indicates whether the Debtor/Leisure is active or not. Use this to remove suppliers that cannot be deleted from the selection lists in other forms
Blocked Indicates whether the Debtor/Leisure is blocked or not. Use this to remove suppliers that cannot be deleted from the selection lists in other forms
Group Optional: A group to which the Debtor/Leisure belongs. Groups can be created or edited by clicking on the “Groups” button in the Debt0rsupplier browse
Division Optional Division group
VAT No Optional VAT number of the supplier
External Account Number Optional External Account Number
Consultant Optional: Select the consultant that setup the client account
Contact Details Note: Do not include dialing code in the telephone and fax numbers as these are automatic based on the supplier country. Dialing codes can be removed by the supervisor from data imported from DOS vouchers using the button in the supplier register browse button bar
Addresses The postal and physical addresses to be printed on vouchers

under supplier details

Email Add in the Suppliers Email address

Voucher Message

Add a Standard Voucher message, which will display when selecting the client.

Credit Cards

If using Internal Clients: Setup \ Debtors … \ Leisures -> Open Client and Click “Credit Cards” tab – Add in the client’s credit card Information.

Credit card functionality is only available if turned on in the general system setup.

If using internal client tables, credit cards are setup under each client. If using QuickTrav Invoicing tables, credit cards are setup in the client in the Invoicing application.