File \ , OR
Use the button on the Menu bar or via the voucher register.
Booking Details Tab:
Issue Date – Date voucher is issued. Must be within the branch’s current period.
Consultant – Consultant issuing the voucher. Validated from branch table of consultants.
Our Ref – Agency’s internal reference
Forced capture can be specified via the System Setup \ Vouchers.
Supplier – Supplier providing the services. Validated from branch table of suppliers. Defaults service type and sets contact details. Activates foreign currencies, rate and exchange rate as well as extras limit currency based on supplier setup.
Supplier Ref – Supplier’s booking confirmation number.
Service – Type of service being provided. Validated from company table of service types. Sets arrival and departure text based on service type setup. Sets internal overnight flag used to auto calculate duration from in/ out dates. Defaults unit and duration inputs
Pax Name – Name of passengers that will be utilizing the booked services. Defaults the number of pax based on the name using “+”, “&”, “\” as name breaks and Xn where n = number of pax.
Use of “/” as a name break in determining the no of pax can be activated under “My Preferences” for each user.
Pax – Number of passengers in party
Client Code – Client Type (Debtor or Leisure) and Account Code. If using internal table of clients and based on the client setup. Sets Order No / Client Ref input option on / off. Loads client credit card details for optional selection under payment details. Defaults voucher special instructions with client standard instructions
System Setup \ Clients allows the client code format to be customized, free format client codes (as opposed to tables) to be activated and forced capture to be activated.
Order No – Client Order Number. May be optional depending on client setup
Client Ref – Client 2nd reference. May be optional depending on client setup
Arrival Date – Date service are to commence. The text will vary according to the service type selected (e.g. Check In). Sets the duration based on arrival and departure dates and the type of service
Arrival Time – Time pax is expected to arrive. Optional
Arrival Flight – Flight number on which pax will arrive. Optional
Departure Date – Date services are to cease.The text will vary according to the service type selected (e.g. Drop Off). – Sets the duration based on arrival and departure dates and the type of service.
Departure Time – Time pax must depart. Optional
Departure Flight. Flight number on which pax will depart. Optional
Units – Number of units booked.This will relate to the type of service being booked (e.g. Accommodation will relate to number of rooms, Car hire to number of cars, etc)
Unit Description – Description of the units booked. This will relate to the type of service being booked (as above)
Duration – Number of nights / days specified units are being booked for- Default values inserted based on arrival and departure dates and the type of service being booked
Foreign Currency – The currency in which the services must be paid and in which the commission will be earned. Only applicable to suppliers that have been setup as foreign currency suppliers. If the supplier is a multi currency supplier, the currency will default to the supplier’s default currency and the currency dropdown will be activated to allow the user to select the required currency. Sets the exchange rate to the closest rate of exchange for the selected currency
Foreign Rate – The unit rate for the booked services in foreign currency, inclusive of any VAT. Sets the local rate based on the rate of exchange
Exchange Rate – The rate of exchange to use to convert the foreign unit rate to local currency. Foreign Exchange Handling
Inclusive Rate / Unit – The unit rate for the booked service in local currency, inclusive of any VAT. Sets the foreign rate based on the exchange rate
Unit Rate Vat – The VAT % applicable to the unit rate. If a foreign supplier, requires the input of a %, otherwise requires the selection of a local vat code from the VA tables. The method of payment for the booked services
Payment Method – Validated from company table of payment methods (all payment methods must be classified as bill back or direct settlement when created)
Payment of Extras -The method of payment for any services provided over and above those booked.Validated from company table of payment methods (all payment methods must be classified as bill back or direct settlement when created)
Extras Limit – The maximum amount that the agency will be responsible for over and above the booked services. Only applies if payment of extras is specified as a bill back to the agency. If a foreign currency voucher, the extras limit may be specified in foreign or local currency
Credit Card – Details of the client’s credit card to be used to settle the voucher – Optional
Value Summary – Displays the maximum value of the voucher split into booked and extra services in both local and foreign currency (if applicable).
Note Pad – Special Instructions pertaining to the voucher (4 Lines x 80chrs). Private administration notes (unlimited). Void reasons (only applicable when voiding a voucher)
Client Savings Tab
If client savings has been activated under the System Setup \ Clients, a Client Savings tab will be included in the voucher. Clicking on the tab will swap the payment method and value summary sections with the client savings section as indicated below:
Client savings simply involves specifying the standard or rack rate in the voucher currency and a reason for the difference between this rate and the rate used. The reason is validated from the company table of client savings reasons. Client savings information may be optional or forced depending on the system settings.
Commission Tab
A Commission tab is included in the voucher to display the commission base and calculation. Clicking on the tab will swap in the commission section as indicated below:
The commission calculation will default to the supplier’s default commission base and depending on the System Setup \ Suppliers may include the following types of commission:
- Commission %
- Fixed Booking Fee
- Star Rated Booking Fee (Local suppliers only)
Save Options
Depending on the System Setup \ Vouchers the user may simply be presented with a single “
Save” button which will accept, close and print the voucher.
If “Save as Draft” option has been turned on, two buttons will be presented:
Save as Draft (Used to save the voucher as a draft so that it may be opened later on and edited)
Accept, Print and Close (as indicated)
Draft vouchers may be printed but will include a big red draft stamp and month end cannot be run while draft vouchers exist.